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Out of the shadows and into the sun, Spring is in the air

Spring wattle flowers

I don’t know about you, but I think this winter has been very cold and bleak. I’m not complaining because I would take cold over excessive heat any day, but it certainly makes it harder to be motivated to get out and do things. We all tend to hibernate a little in winter. 

One of my favourite times of year is Spring. As the days grow longer and the weather warms up, we can feel a sense of hope and optimism.  When I start to see the signs of spring appearing, I feel a little flush of warmth in my heart, and a smile automatically comes across my face. It’s our time to emerge from winter hibernation and reconnect with others and nature.

The Beauty of Spring

Just like the flowers that bloom after a long winter, we too can experience personal growth and rejuvenation. Spending time in nature, even just a few moments in your garden or a local park, can be incredibly therapeutic. The sights and sounds of spring can lift our spirits and bring joy to our hearts.

In the last month, I have had daffodils, jonquils, snowdrops, violets, and pansies in bloom, and yesterday my camellia’s buds started to open. Each of these flowers brings beautiful memories for me. I plant my garden specifically to bring me joy and lovely memories. 

My mum always bought me a bunch of violets when I was a little girl; she grew snowdrops and had a beautiful pink camellia like mine, and I remember planting pansies with her when I was a little girl.  The jonquils and daffodils remind me of my boys growing up, as we had many of them in the garden when they were little. I purposefully take time to stand still and look at my garden each morning and evening, just a few moments of silence and stillness and enjoy looking at what has changed each day.  It results in me smiling every day.

I love the change in seasons for all season’s however this is my favourite and best described in by   Anita Krizzan when she said  "Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer." Or by Anne Bradstreet "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant."

Spring flowers - inspiring strong mental health

Rediscovering Joy for Your Wellbeing

As the days get brighter, I encourage you to embrace the warmth of the spring sun and let it fill your heart with happiness, it’s great for our mental health. To celebrate Spring, we are commencing our activity program which is designed to help you do just that. We have a range of exciting activities planned, from social gatherings to outdoor adventures.  I have attached September’s activities for you.  None of these activities will occur without a good dose of compassion and joy, to help you spring out of your winter hibernation.  We also have some great bus trips coming up.

If you are one of the less lucky ones that get hay fever, stock up on antihistamines. Take care of yourself and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need support. 

A Bright Future

Like the quote by Lily Pulitzer says, " Despite the forecast, live like it's spring".  We believe that better days are ahead. With a little patience and perseverance, we can all experience the beauty and joy of spring.

spring flowers

We hope this blog post has inspired you to look forward to the warmer months ahead. Remember, even the smallest signs of spring can bring a smile to your face. Let's embrace this season of renewal together!

We can’t wait to share the program with you in this wonderful season!

Best wishes,

Di Geddes


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